08/05/2024 05:43:36
register to context and gewt your domain and api key Later you can get a personalized domain and verify it
install the lib
mkdir ctx_project && cd ctx_project
npm init
npm install @contextprotocol/sdk
Edit the .env file to add your APIKEY and DOMAIN
The Frames Template
const part1 = {
title: 'Context protocol: Hello World - Part1',
author: { protocol: 'CTX', link: 'alex'},
description: 'A simple frame that greets the user with a custom message.',
frames: {
'initial': {
title: 'Hello, World!',
image: 'https://iofsuacqeop2bwsiwucuyem6quh4ejbcowdcv6ihvhllp2qqrlsq.arweave.net/Q4sqAFAjn6DaSLUFTBGehQ_CJCJ1hir5B6nWt-oQiuU',
buttons: [
{ title: 'More', value: 'page1', action: 'page1'}
'page1': {
title: 'This is Context',
image: 'https://cvuqoquuoszietwrxh47sjayopheurng2vauulszpq54munxvfdq.arweave.net/FWkHQpR0soJO0bn5-SQYc85KRabVQUouWXw7xlG3qUc',
buttons: [
{ title: 'Context', type: 'link', href: 'https://www.ctx.xyz' },
{ title: 'Back', value: 'end', type: 'reset' }
Now create your first document
const apiKey = process.env.CONTEXT_APIKEY;
const ctx = new Context({apiKey});
const domain = await ctx.domain(process.env.CONTEXT_APIKEY);
const documentPath = 'frames/frame1';
await domain.createDocument(documentPath, data, templates, isTemplate);
And you can read it
const doc = await domain.document(documentPath);
You can see examples on how to create frames
Key | Value |
name | Frames Tutorial |
description | A tutorial on how to create a frames using Context. |
tutorialParts | |
readme | https://mphxsskwsfkfj5icn7uvi5oxmp5vvg43s2e6ql4ym3bzt4t6acnq.arweave.net/Y895SVaRVFT1Am_pVHXXY_tam5uWiegvmGbDmfJ-AJs |
Size: 779.00 bytes
Last update: 08/05/2024 05:43:36